Coqui Coqui Coba

Coqui Coqui Coba \ Mexico

If you are familiar with the Coqui Coqui Residences, Boutiques and Perfumeries, then you already know that that everything this stylish couple creates is with an intention of sharing something special, more specifically, a lifestyle of understated luxury. To them, it is the ability to connect to nature, to appreciate the feeling of sand under your feet, being able to hear the birds in the morning, smell the natural fragrances in the air, or being able to see a star-studded sky. Their Coba Residence is no exception. Located in the heart of the dense Yucatan jungle on the shore of a tranquil lagoon sits a 4 room retreat with rough-hewn limestone exteriors that blend perfectly into the natural setting. An astute stone staircase runs up the front of each of the two towers, resembling the ancient design of the nearby Mayan temples. Creating an even more majestic feel is a vine-covered rope bridge and 2 turquoise plunge pools. A beach-side location has the crashing waves, but this remote retreat has the sounds of the jungle to lull you into a relaxed state like no other. It is the ultimate jungle hideaway equipped with all the understated luxuries that you require for your perfect getaway.

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*Images via Melissa Gidney Daly